Dynamic CME Online Courses
Nation’s most comprehensive course for nurses and other healthcare professionals to master the Medicare-sponsored Chronic Care Management programs, including Principal Care Management, Behavioral Health Integration, Transitional Care Management, and Remote Patient Monitoring known as Essentials of CCM as well as the Business of CCM for nurses and other soon-to-be entrepreneurs seeking to launch a successful CCM business.
Self-paced Study Courses.
Made for Nurses
Master Medicare CCM rules, regulations and requirements for compliance with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Learn From National Experts
Learn best practices, technologies and methods to help clients or your clinic accelerate CCM and related programs. Also learn about emerging evidence backing CCM by therapeutic area.
Dive Deep Into the CCM Marketplace
Understand the unfolding CCM marketplace, including requirements for successful technologies, advanced capabilities necessary to comply with new requirements such as Social Determinants of Health and detailed points such as changing billing rules for Remote Physiological Monioring when using RPM technologies in the field.
Become a Business Owner
Learn the steps and requirements to plan and launch a Nurse or provider-owned CCM business.
Get Certified For CCM
This means that you are among the best-trained CCM professionals in the United States. Earn CME credits while moving toward mastering the CCM profession to improve patient outcomes, boost quality, and open business opportunities for nurses and other healthcare professionals